2022 – Expanding The Team

– More team expansion sees; Marcus Holder, Erin Delaney, Anthony Hodgson-Yeomans, and Nathan Weetman join the team

– Indra V2X project kick off

– Launch of www.opensmartmonitor.co.uk and release of the product to the masses under it’s own and new branding OpenSmartMonitor

– Anthony and Erin won an award each at the Top100 awards. Anthony for Young Pioneer and Digital Transformer and Erin for Unsung Hero! A massive achievement for two of our team who have been with us for a short time.

– Devtank Ltd won the East Midlands Chamber Business Award category Excellence in Innovation as sponsored and judged by Rolls-Royce.

– At the same Business Awards, Cameron Browne won the Apprentice of The Year award

– Also Devtank were shortlisted for the Environmental Impact award at the Business Awards

– Became partners to the INSPIRE project ran by PragmatIC

-Towards the end of 2022 another apprentice was added to our team, Dan Sayles.