Current Source Board

The Current Source Board comprises of the following channel types:

  • ACH x1
  • ACL x3
  • DCL x1





This will be used to inject up to 50mA of AC current into the CT clamp inputs of the DUT.


  • Alternating Low-Current
    • Current
      • Range: 0 to 63 mA RMS
      • Resolution: 1 mA
      • Accuracy: +/- 1% of full scale (less than 1-step)
    • Frequency
      • Range: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
      • Accuracy: +/- 200 ppm
    • Phase
      • NOTE: Requires all alternating outputs to be set to the same frequency
      • Range: 0 to 359 degrees
      • Resolution: 1 degree
      • Reference: USB isochronous clock – to allow boards to be synchronized
    • Waveform
      • Shape: Sine wave
      • Accuracy: TBD
    • Compliance
      • Vmax: 630 mV RMS
      • Rmax: 10 R


This will be used to inject up to 5A into the DUT. To test that power measurements are working and current can safely pass through relays.


  • ACH
    • Current
      • Range: 0 to 5 A RMS
      • Resolution: 100 mA
      • Accuracy: +/- 1% of full scale (less than 1-step)
    • Frequency
      • Range: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
      • Accuracy: +/- 200 ppm
    • Phase
      • NOTE: Requires all alternating outputs to be set to the same frequency
      • Range: 0 to 359 degrees
      • Resolution: 1 degree
      • Reference: USB isochronous clock – to allow boards to be synchronized
    • Waveform
      • Shape: Sine wave
      • Accuracy: TBD
    • Compliance
      • Vmax: 50 mV RMS
      • Rmax: 10 mR


This will be used to inject DC test currents up to 63mA into the DUT. It can be used for testing leakage protection or simulate sensors.


  • DCL
    • Current
      • Range: 0 to 63 mA
      • Resolution: 1 mA
      • Accuracy: +/- 1% of full scale (less than 1-step)
    • Phase
      • Range: Unidirectional
    • Compliance
      • Vmax: 0.63 V
      • Rmax: 10 R